Ground flax is only two dollars per pound and those two pounds can last up to two weeks if consumed at three tablespoons per day.
2. Characteristics of Ground Flax Seed:
Ground flax seed has the highest percentage of plant derived Omega 3 at 58%!
Canola Oil, in contrast has only 7%
Flax seeds contain no mercury or lead
Ground flax seed has no lipid peroxide toxins because of the reactive nature of Omega-3 --
as long as the Omega Three stays in its seed, it is protected.
However, Omega 3 Oils have to be protected from heat and air during
processing and as a result tend to be much more expensive.
Stick with name brands and incorporate a moderately priced fish oil capsule
into your diet.
When these superior forms of Omega 3 (EPA and DHA) are taken with a less complex form of Omega 3 from flax seed
(ALA) or ground flax seed, the positive result can bevery great
3. Benefits of Omega Three essential fatty acids
Supports the structure and function of the myelin sheath and normalizes the cerebrospinal fluid in MS patients.
Protects us from toxins in the gut (MS sufferers have seven times the mercury in their bodies as others.
Combats any kind of inflammation, like arthritis, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, and chronic fatigue.
This is because Omega Three is a precursor to the prostaglandins that combat these and other ailments.
It Fights diabetes by increasing membrane fluidity which causes increased insulin binding to receptor sites and
prevents the development to insulin resistance.
It helps prevent fat-sensitive types of Cancer, like breast, Colon, prostate, and pancreatic. One of the many ways it
does this is by neutralizing the bad effects of other fats like polyunsaturated vegetable oil
Helps with child behavior problems like ADD, depression, hyperactivity, aggressive behavior, and learning disabilities.
It will dramatically help prevent atherosclerosis, heart attack, and strokes.
It lowers blood pressure.
4. Omega-3 Deficiency
An Omega three deficiency can cause the following:
The cells inability to hold water, vital nutrients, and electrolytes.
The cell loses its ability to communicate with other cells.
Cells lose the ability to be regulated by hormones.
It causes higher glucose levels
It causes higher insulin levels
It causes general loss of homeostasis
Omega Three deficiency can cause every known kind of bowel problem.
4. Benefits of flax seed lignans:
Gut flora changes lignans into two of the most powerful cancer combating substances known to man. They are called entrolactone and enterodiol.
Lignans can bind to estrogen-receptors, thus interfering with estrogen's breast cancer causing effects.
Lignans are anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial
There are 100 times the lignans in flax as compared to other plants.
5. Benefits of flax fiber and mucilage
The ground flax seed coat is the Cadillac of
soluble and insoluble fiber, which maintains a healthy gut and reduces
Flax mucilage absorbs starch, resulting in lower
blood glucose and insulin. If you reduce Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil which is
incorporated into the phospholipid membrane of every cell in your body,
and replace it with Omega Three, the cell wall will be permeable,
pliable, and proficient. If it is not, one will die before their time.